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среда, 26 февраля 2014 г.

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Sony Xperia Z2: первый взгляд
Sony представила новый флагман Xperia Z2. "На бумаге" новинка получилась интересной, но что же на самом деле собой представляет этот флагманский смартфон?
Рынок мобильных процессоров: ARM
На рынке процессоров для смартфонов и планшетов безусловным лидером является ARM. Что примечательно, она умудрилась стать лидеров, не будучи производителем. ARM разрабатывает архитектуры процессоров.
Найдена неизвестная теория Эйнштейна
Архивисты обнаружили потерянную теорию Альберта Эйнштейна. В 1931 году он изучал идею стационарной Вселенной. Она гласит, что мироздание не родилось в Большом взрыве, а расширяется постоянно и вечно.
Новая модель YotaPhone
Yota Devices представила новую модель YotaPhone. В отличие от первой версии, в новой модели использован полноценный сенсорный экран E-Ink. Гаджет поддерживает сети LTE, работает под управлением ОС Android 4.4 Kitkat.

Из рассылки «Комсомольская Правда»
Флеш-карты памяти уже стали расходным материалом. Индийцы придумали концепт флешки-стикера, которую приклеивают на экран смартфона или компьютера. Склеил вместе две флешки по 4 ГБ - получил одну на 8
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Биткоин расстался с рынком
Из рассылки «Газета.Ру - первая полоса»
Биржа по торговле биткоинами прекратила работу. Причины - хакерские атаки на сервера биржи и ужесточение законодательства в отношении криптовалют. Россия - один из пионеров регулирования криптовалют.
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Способ отказаться от логина-пароля в мобильных приложениях
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Российские программисты придумали способ отказаться от логина-пароля в мобильных приложениях. Сверяя имя и ip-адрес пользователя смартфона с данными о его местоположении, имеющимися у оператора связи, можно проводить аутентификацию.
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10 смартфонов с огромными дисплеями
Из рассылки «3DNews - все самое интересное из мира IT»
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вторник, 25 февраля 2014 г.

American Muscle: Ford, Dodge, and Chevy

Back during the 1950s through the mid 1970s, Detroit automakers produced several cars that were out and out "muscle" cars. These types of vehicles shared the same characteristics: they were two door coupes with souped up engines, responsive transmissions, an aggressive exterior design, and a sporty interior. High fuel prices and changing tastes eventually limited sales to the point where only a few models were produced beyond that period of time. Today, muscle car mania is back, despite even higher gas prices. Thanks to the Ford Mustang and to a lesser extent to sedan and wagon models from Dodge, there is new interest in a category long given up. The future is bright for the muscle car segment as one more manufacturer, Chevrolet, considers bringing back one of its darlings of yesteryear, the Camaro.
Besides the Ford Mustang there were a whole host of vehicles produced that at one time or another might have been considered a muscle car. In addition to the Mustang, the Ford Fairlane 500 and Ford Torino did duty; the Mercury Montego was another model; Chevrolet produced the Camaro and Corvette; Pontiac the GTO, Firebird, and Tempest; Olds the 442; American Motors' had its Javelin; Plymouth had the 'Cuda, and Dodge produced the Challenger and the Charger. Today, only the Mustang and Corvette survives although the Dodge Charger has returned as a four door muscle car along with its sibling, the hot Dodge Magnum wagon.
Interestedly, it took Ford's redoing of the Mustang for the 2005 model year to stir the current muscle car era craze. Styled after Mustangs built in the 1960s, the current Mustang embraces a retro look while incorporating contemporary technology. The result has been that the Mustang currently sells its entire 150,000 model capacity without incentives.
The Mustang has been inspiring DaimlerChrysler to go ahead with a retro cruiser of its own. The Dodge Challenger concept car, appearing at auto shows across the USA, has been a huge hit and Chrysler plans on bringing the V8 hemi powered model back in 2009. In addition, General Motors is considering giving its blessing on the Camaro, another car also making the rounds of the USA auto show circuit.
So, isn't it silly to bring back such gas hogs? Back during the early 1970s, the then current crop of muscle cars averaged only 10-12 miles to the gallon around town and 15 or 16 miles per gallon on the highway. Thanks to computer technology and efficiency, even the Corvette returns a highly respectable 28 miles to the gallon the highway. So, although fuel mileage will certainly be lower than many other models, the new group of muscle cars will still better the previous generation cars with fuel mileage 80% or more above the cars from the 1970s.
Fortunately, we still live in a fairly free country and what the consumer wants, the consumer gets. So, V8 powered muscle cars mated to 6 speed manu-matic transmissions, with sport handling, bucket seats, and better fuel economy will likely appeal to many. No, they won't be exact duplicates of yesterday's muscle cars, but they will provide the nostalgia and power that motorists seek. I can't wait!

Top 3 Secrets To Build A Huge Muscle >>> Click Here

Body Building Routines: Works In Progress

Body building routines are as varied as the body builders who design them; and the best body building routines are the ones which achieve the desired results in the shortest time. People will always look for what gets them the maximum benefit for the minimal amount of work, so body building routines which employ superior training methods will be very much in demand.
But what many inexperienced bodybuilders fail to realize is that they cannot reach Schwarzenegger status simply by renting a copy of "Pumping Iron" and imitating each of Arnold's moves. The same holds true of the body building routines of all the Mr. Universes and Mr. Olympias who have followed in the Governor's footsteps.
Borrowing some of the techniques of a world-class body builder is fine. Expecting those moves to have you competition ready in two months is just not realistic. And you may find that, after you have performed those borrowed moves for a week or two, they are not moving you any closer to ! your own ideal body shape.
Nothing Works For Everyone
What works for one, when if comes to body building routines, does not, and never will, work for all. If there were a one-routine-fits-all method of training, you would know what it is by spending a few afternoons watching your fellow bodybuilders down at the gym. But what you will actually see is every one of them performing different exercises for different numbers of reps using different weights to sculpt, tone, or build up different parts of their bodies.
Those bodybuilders, through the processes of trial and error, and success and failure, are constantly fine tuning their building routines. As their successful routines develop the targeted body areas, other areas may need some attention to keep their entire bodies in balance.
Change Is Good
So even if you find a body building routine which works phenomenally well for three months, the chances are good that you are going to have to start varying it! sooner or later, doing what you need to maintain the results ! you like, and adding or eliminating exercises to get other parts of your body sculpted or built up. For more info see http://www.bigbodybuildingtips.com/Body_Building_Exercises on Body Building Exercises.
Your body building routine, whatever it looks like right now, will benefit with proper body building nutrition. And no body building routine needs to be done for longer than seventy-five minutes per session, or for more than five sessions per week. Your body simply can't handle more work than that, and if you overdo it, you will pay with a greatly extended recuperation period.
Therefore, it is imperative to examine the various body building routines that have been successful in terms of building mass and toning muscles and mix and match various routines in order to find the particular routine that works for you. In a way, it becomes important to tailor a programs frequency, intensity and stress level to that which is acceptable to you. A person off the street is no! t going to be able to perform an advanced Lou Ferigno workout. It just is not going to happen! So, use a little common sense in your pursuits and mix, match and select body building routines based on functionality and not from an inadvertent celebrity endorsement.

Top 3 Secrets To Build A Huge Muscle >>> Click Here

Adapt Your Bodybuilding Routines For Your Body Type

It's fairly obvious that no two humans beings are exactly the same, thus it should come as no surprise that different people need to train in different ways and have different bodybuilding routines. One of the primary factors that will help you become a successful bodybuilder is to understand your own body, to realize what your limits are and to appreciate how your body will react under stress. Therefore in order to make the most of your bodybuilding routines and workouts you must know your body type and understand how it will affect your training.
Scientists have developed a body type classification system based on a number of factors and everybody falls into one of the following three categories (you may fall in-between, as these are quite generalized): endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph. Once you have established your body type, you can them adjust your bodybuilding routine, training program and lifestyle accordingly. You should also speak to your doctor to get their advice before you start training and to get a check up.
The first category we shall look at is the endomorph body type. Endomorphs usually find it really quite easy to gain muscle mass, but also they find it very easy to put on weight. Thus having a great deal of self discipline is required to control your diet if you're to be a successful bodybuilder. A great tip for endomorphs is to eat 6 small meals at regular intervals throughout the day to ward off hunger and snacking on junk food. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and don't eat anything for at least a few hours before going to bed to facilitate fat loss. Endomorphs tend not to have too much difficultly putting on muscle mass, however if you want good definition in your muscles you'll need to do plenty of cardiovascular training such as running. Doing this should increase your muscular definition by burning off excess fat. If you can, do your cardio training after your weights to burn off even more fat.
The next category we shall look at is the ectomorph body type. These are people who are generally tall, thin and have long arms and legs; they naturally have virtually no fat. Most ectomorphs often find themselves in endurance sports such as x-country running or athletics (high jump), however they can and do also become professional bodybuilders. The main thing that ectomorphs need to do is to start eating more of the right healthy foods, thus increasing the calorie intake to put on weight and build muscle. They should focus on weight training as opposed to cardio vascular training and train to failure so you can't lift the last weight of a set. Make sure that you're lifting weights at least 3-4 days a week, with a rest day between sessions to allow optimum recovery and muscle growth.
The final category are the mesomorphs, which fall in between the other two categories and are often the envy of the other two body types, as mesomorphs find it easy to build muscle and keep off fat. However, this can often lead to a false sense of security as having this mindset leads to missed training sessions, which eventually catches up with them. If you are a mesomorph just starting bodybuilding, don't change the amount you eat, but eat healthier and make sure you are eating enough protein to facilitate muscle growth. Mix up your training sessions to incorporate both full body work out sessions and those to target specific muscle groups to improve definition.
It doesn't matter what your body type is if you want to be a successful bodybuilder, just adjust your training routines and your eating habits accordingly. Be dedicated and passionate and you will achieve your goals.

Top 3 Secrets To Build A Huge Muscle >>> Click Here